Appreciation for diversity led
to the
distinction between the Udanax Green frontend and backend. The
backend is
a highly generalized system that provides the storage, linking,
and versioning
functionality required by every user. Rather than trying to design
an ideal
or exclusive frontend, the plethora of user needs will be met in
the diversity
of third-party, independently created frontends.
What will frontends look like? One design challenge will be to
present links, versions and multiply-authored documents of
staggering complexity.
The more difficult and novel issue is that hypertext gives us the
to concretely represent complex social interaction. How will we
things which have always been intangible? For example, how will we
social argument structures?
Over centuries, cartographers have found ways to represent
complex, 3-dimensional
terrains; frontend designers will invent representations of even
more complex
3 and 4-dimensional information. A mountaineer or an army
tactician sees
a map representing terrain lines, trees, valleys, rivers; they
know from
the map where lie the critical points for defense, attack,
and observation. We fight battles on conceptual terrains without
maps. We
all know what a debate is: thrust and parry, evidence, supporting
pros and cons, plausibility arguments, alternatives which lead to
tenuous arguments where every step is crucial. But what does an
look like? How do you see the structure of a controversy when you
jump into
the middle of an ongoing debate? How do you tell which are the
crucial sub-issues?
How do you tell if someone is right or wrong? Is the argument on
track or
hopelessly derailed into a dead-end? How do we represent the
terrain of
a debate - and do it so that the leader of a climbing team or a
officer can easily scope the terrain, know what key areas to
which paths to avoid, and which to navigate?
Developers of hypertext frontends must build new metaphors to translate
old concepts and to introduce new ones. They have the challenge of making
the reader feel comfortable and oriented. And Udanax will supply the underlying
hypermedia handling mechanisms, with version control for databases of global
scale, that will make these developers' successes possible.